Virtual Photo Booths for Live Events

PixiWeb is an awesome addition to live events.

While there's still plenty of work to be done, and we are certainly not completely out of the woods with COVID-19, we're finally starting to see a trend towards a return to live events.

Whether that's the golf tournament, company picnic or you're frequently postponed, rescheduled, and postponed again wedding; live events are on the menu for the summer of 2021 and beyond!

Over the last year, you followed along and supported Pixilated through a massive pivot as we developed and launched PixiWeb, our virtual photobooth software and shared event photo gallery software.

Largely we've had clients adding PixiWeb to their virtual events and digital marketing campaigns over the last year to great success. PixiWeb is an incredible way to add engagement, personality and a shareable experience to your virtual events, but we are just beginning to scratch the surface of what PixiWeb can do.

PixiWeb is so much more than just a virtual engagement tool.

The concept of a virtual photo booth sits squarely in alignment with the idea of virtual events, virtual conferences, and the virtual ecosystem brought about by COVID-19, but that doesn't mean that a virtual photo booth isn't an excellent (and safe) addition to the live event space.

Here at Pixilated, we've been lucky to participate in some of the earliest “post-COVID” in-person and hybrid (meaning live and virtual) events. Whether it's working with our MPI Potomac family for ReConEx or some of the brides and grooms we've helped tie the knot, it's been awesome to see the relevancy of our virtual photo booth in the live event space.

It’s a super fun way for all of the guests to experience the event photo booth through their own mobile device while having all of the photos uniformly branded and uploaded to a shared event photo gallery.

While it’s probably a little too early to foresee all of the ways PixiWeb will positively impact the live events world, below are just a few ideas we’ve seen so far. 


All of your guests are now your event photographers.

Just because PixiWeb was brought to life in the age of the virtual world doesn't mean that all of your in-person guests can't join in on the fun. One of the most entertaining aspects of a live event is getting to see all of the photos that get shared after the fact. With PixiWeb, all of your photos flow into a shared event gallery that everyone can peruse and enjoy.

It’s like having an Instagram account specifically for your event that everyone can contribute to! And you don’t even need an app…

By implementing a QR code for your PixiWeb gallery into signage throughout your event — at the tables, in the halls, and on the bathroom mirrors — you open up the ability for all of your in-person guests to access and contribute to your PixiWeb virtual photo booth by simply scanning the QR code and launching the site.

You'll have all the fun selfies, without the stress of an additional vendor and everything that comes with it. The secret is that Virtual Photo Booths are really fun; particularly when you bring them out of the virtual environment.

Crowdsourced branded event photos!? Don’t mind if I do!


PixiWeb Live Slideshow helps you show off your pictures at the venue.

Live Photo Slideshow is one of our coolest features and while it makes an amazing addition to your virtual event and allows you to show off all of the awesome photos being taken and shared, PixiWeb Slideshow really comes to life in the live event space.

Live Slideshow is included with all PixiWeb event packages and is a core feature of our virtual photo booth software. If you're planning to have a projector or flat screen TV at your event, or your venue already has those video systems installed, Live Slideshow is a great way to bring the screens to life.

What’s cooler than a real-time live updating slideshow of crowdsourced photos from your guests!?

Simply put, the Live Slideshow takes all of the photos and memories being uploaded to your PixiWeb site and plays them in a full-screen format that transitions between pictures every 3 seconds and automatically updates to include any new photos that have recently been posted.

It's the perfect way to display all of the fun memories being created right then and there.

Planning commencement for your university? Consider adding PixiWeb for tons of fun grad photos and then show them on the jumbotron for everyone to see. Trying to find a way to show your event sponsors a little more love? Consider adding their logos alongside all of your guest PixiWeb submissions to get them more exposure by including them in the slideshow.


Shared event photo gallery for the win!

With all this talk of a virtual photo booth, we'd be remiss to not acknowledge how valuable PixiWeb is as a shared photo gallery. What better way to give your audience a way to share photos, than by having them click on a link or scan a QR code so they can add photos within seconds.

When you click the “Get Started” button on your PixiWeb site, you're immediately prompted with two options: Take a Photo or Upload a Photo — this is where the fun begins! After that, the event frame gets applied to your photo and (as long as you approve it) it gets posted to the PixiWeb gallery! Easy as pie.

We've been truly inspired by the creativity and ingenuity of our clients and how they’ve used PixiWeb to bring their events to life. It doesn't just have to be selfies either. — PixiWeb works with uploads from your camera roll and also allows you to use your rear facing camera as well.


PixiWeb Wedding Photo Ideas

  • Getting Dressed Photos

  • Rehearsal Dinner Photos

  • Wedding Party Photos

  • Candid Guest Photos

  • First Dance Photos

  • Favorite Memories

  • Loved Ones to Remember

  • Morning After Brunch 


Hybrid Events are here to stay.

While PixiWeb is applicable for the live event space it would be short-sighted of us to not acknowledge how critical of a role hybrid events will play in the coming months and years.

We’re excited to gather with our loved ones, friends, and colleagues to start celebrating in person, but it’s important to keep in mind that there will be a fair amount of guests who will opt to attend from afar. At least for now.

Now that the technology is ubiquitous and the virtual infrastructure is in place, a virtual element will always be an option in the future.

Whether it's due to public health restrictions, the immunocompromised, or just convenience, there will be plenty of attendees for your events that will still choose to attend in a virtual capacity. Additionally, we’ve all spent the last 14 months growing our online communities. When the “Great Virtual Migration” started it wasn’t as simple as moving all of our offline events online.

Developing your virtual event community took time, effort, and precision and while there were definitely some pre-COVID community members that came along for the ride, largely we built new communities in far-off places. The silver lining of being forced into the virtual space is that it empowered so many organizations to connect with a greater global community. Now it’s up to us to ensure that we continue to offer programming that continues to engage our new community while bringing our “Live Event” community in from the cold.

The great news about PixiWeb is that while it is applicable for virtual events and for live events you don't have to choose one or the other.

PixiWeb is a great way to connect all of your guests and create engaging experiences.

So whether it’s your aunt and uncle who couldn’t make it to grandma's 90th or your global sales team is sprawling across the earth, PixiWeb can help you ensure that everyone has a chance to celebrate together and share in the fun.


5 Ways to Display a QR Code at Your Live Event


PixiWeb helped bring the fun to GMID: Virtual 2021